Energy4All was established by Baywind Co-op on a not-for-profit basis in 2002 for the sole purpose of facilitating the ownership and operation of renewable energy projects by local or community-based co-operatives.
Energy4All has dedicated development staff working throughout the UK, utilising key partnerships to promote community renewables. Energy4All is owned by Great Glen, Kilbraur, Skye, Boyndie, Fenland Green, Baywind and Westmill co-ops, and as additional co-ops are established they too will share in the ownership of Energy4All.
For full details of other members of the Energy4All family of co-operatives please visit the projects page on the Energy4All Website
Energy4All Family of Co-operatives: The Great Glen Energy Co-op and
Baywind Energy Co-op
Westmill Wind Farm Co-op
Boyndie Wind Farm Co-op
Fenland Green Power Co-op
Isle of Skye Renewables Co-op
Kilbraur Wind Energy Co-op